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Silver Spring, MD’s winter weather presents unique challenges for drivers, and here at our Audi service center, our team of technicians understands that getting stuck in the snow can be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences. At Audi Silver Spring, we are committed to ensuring that your Audi car performs at its best, even in the most unforgiving winter conditions. These are some tips for what to do if your car is stuck in the snow.

Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

If your Audi car becomes stuck in the snow, the first step is to avoid panicking and spinning the wheels excessively. Take a moment to evaluate the situation and determine your course of action.

Clear Snow Around the Car

Before attempting to move your car, clear snow from around the tires, under the vehicle, and in front of the grille. This prevents further snow buildup and provides better traction.

Rock Your Audi Car Back and Forth

If your Audi vehicle is still stuck after clearing snow, try rocking the vehicle back and forth. Shift between drive and reverse while gently applying the accelerator to help free tires from the snow.

Use Traction Aids

Your last resort can be using traction aids, such as sand, kitty litter, or traction mats to help you get unstuck. Put the traction aid underneath your wheels, and try the reverse/drive method again. If this doesn't work, it's time to call for help.

Trusted Audi Service in Silver Spring, MD

Our trustworthy service technicians here at Audi Silver Spring are happy to provide additional tips to help you get out of the snow. If your vehicle has recently been stuck in the snow, we recommend scheduling an inspection at our service center to ensure that it didn’t get damaged. We can also install traction-enhancing winter tires to prevent this from happening again.

Categories: Service